The middle school has been talking about goal setting within physical fitness and nutrition with Mr. Roseman ( We are going to start opening up the gym between 7:00 and 7:30 on Tuesdays and offer different activities to the middle school kids with the help of Mr. Roseman. The students will have some options on choices of activities. Mr. Roseman will also bring different guests in from time to time such as a rumba instructor. We will have our second session this coming Tuesday (November 2) from 7:00-7:30 am in the gym. Middle school students should wear PE clothes, regardless if they have PE on Tuesday or not, if they choose to come.
Third, fourth, and fifth grades will start a basketball unit this week, focusing on dribbling the proper way, under control.
Mrs. Elliot’s class (2/3 split) will start a volleyball unit focusing on bumping the ball the proper way.
Second grade (O’Neal) will continue to work on our kickball unit. We will play kickball games and teaching points may be interjected during the games.
First grade will start a throwing and catching unit focusing on hand-eye coordination.
Kindergarten will continue to work on throwing and catching overhand. We will continue to throw with a partner this week.
Preschool will work on going sideways over the balance beam.
Have a Great Fall Break!
Mr. Branigan