Friday, December 17, 2010

PE Agenda For The Week We Get Back From Break

The 6/7-General Music split class will turn in their journals for physical activities on Monday January 3 and the 7 Band/Choir class will turn in their journals Tuesday January 4.  A reminder: the project is worth 50 points.  We will be starting both a volleyball unit and a basketball unit and work on them simultaneously in the third quarter.  We are opening up the gym between 7:00 and 7:30 on Tuesdays and offer different activities to the middle school kids (grades 6-8) with the help of Mr. Roseman and myself.  The students will have some options on choices of activities.  Mr. Roseman will also bring different guests in from time to time such as a rumba instructor.  We will have our ninth session on Tuesday (January 4) from 7:00-7:30 am in the gym.

Grades 4 and 5 (Eastman, McMahon, Welty) will work on team building activities and exercises.  The focus will be on cooperating with each other and building leadership skills.

Third grade (Norman) will do some full body exercising on the scooters.  We will also play a team-building game.

The following classes will start a basketball unit, focusing on dribbling (hand-eye coordination) with both strong hand and weak hand:

These grade levels will also play a movement game as well during class time.

Pre-school will continue to work on throwing and catching beanbags underhand and learning a new tag game.

Friday, December 10, 2010

This Week's Agenda

The sixth grade will continue our Health unit with Mr. Roseman.  We will be food taste testing this week (Monday for General Music and Tuesday for Band/Choir) with the focus on healthier eating choices.  A quick note: General Music will have their Friday class switched to Wednesday to accommodate for Mass on Friday.  We are opening up the gym between 7:00 and 7:30 on Tuesdays and offer different activities to the middle school kids with the help of Mr. Roseman and myself.  The students will have some options on choices of activities.  Mr. Roseman will also bring different guests in from time to time such as a rumba instructor.  We will have our eighth session this coming Tuesday (December 14) from 7:00-7:30 am in the gym.  The middle school will have some journaling over break, but it has been abbreviated.

Due to the Christmas Concert (Tuesday afternoon), Christmas Program (Wednesday and program practices both Monday and Tuesday), a fun surprise for the students on Thursday afternoon, and a noon dismissal on Friday, we will have a brief schedule this week for PE.

Schedule as follows:
Sixth Grade Band/Choir Tuesday and Thursday
Sixth Grade General Music Monday and Wednesday (Wednesday because Mass Friday)
5-Welty Wednesday only
4/5-McMahon Thursday only
4-Eastman Thursday only
3-Norman Tuesday only
2/3-Elliot Tuesday only
2-O’Neal Wednesday only
1-Ahonen Monday only
K-Hill Monday only
K-Catton both Monday and Tuesday
No pre-school

Have a Great Break, Merry Christmas, and Go Colts!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The sixth grade will continue our Health unit with Mr. Roseman along with working on physical fitness in class.  Sixth grade has a goal packet that will be due for Band/Choir on Thursday and General Music on Friday.  We are opening up the gym between 7:00 and 7:30 on Tuesdays and offer different activities to the middle school kids with the help of Mr. Roseman and myself.  The students will have some options on choices of activities.  Mr. Roseman will also bring different guests in from time to time such as a rumba instructor.  We will have our seventh session this coming Tuesday (December 7) from 7:00-7:30 am in the gym.

Mrs. Simms will have Christmas Program practice for grades 4 and 5 during PE time for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week (10:05-11:30).  Due to this, 5-Welty will not meet Wednesday for PE class, and 4/5-McMcMahon will not meet on Thursday and Friday for class.  However, 4-Eastman has picked up a PE class on Monday from 10:05-10:45 in addition to their normal PE class on Tuesday (4-E will not have class on Thursday).  We will continue to work on basketball units and we will be playing games this week.

Third grade (Norman) will continue to work on their basketball unit focusing on defense (proper stance) and screening (picking) this week.

Mrs. Elliot’s class is still working on a volleyball unit, focusing on serving.

Second grade (O’Neal) will work on a dancing game that involves rhythm and mood.

First grade and kindergarten will continue to work on throwing and catching units along with jumping rope.

Pre-school will work on learning how to throw (underhand) and catch beanbags with a partner.