Friday, April 27, 2012

This Week's Agenda

May is Arthritis Awareness Month, Better Hearing and Speech Month, Global Employee Health and Fitness Month, Healthy Vision Month, Hepatitis Awareness Month, Lupus Awareness Month, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month, Mental Health Month, National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month, National Celiac Disease Awareness Month, National High Blood Pressure Education Month, National Mediterranean Diet Month, National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, National Physical Fitness and Sports Month, Ultraviolet Awareness Month, Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (6-12), North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (6-12), National Stuttering Awareness Week (7-13), Air Quality Awareness Week (7-11), Food Allergy Awareness Week (13-19), National Women’s Health Week (13-19), Recreational Water Illness and Injury Prevention Week (21-27), Heat Safety Awareness Day (25), National Senior Health and Fitness Day (30), and World No Tobacco Day (31).

With I-STEP this week, the schedule has changed:

Middle School—we will have physical activity each day for 20 minutes (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday—Mass Day is Friday, which is why we will meet on Wednesday).  Middle school students should wear their normal PE clothes Monday-Thursday.

Catton—Tuesday only
Hill—Monday and Thursday

First Grade
Ahonen—Wednesday and Friday
O’Neal—Monday and Friday

Second Grade
Norman—Monday and Thursday

Third Grade
Elliot—Wednesday only
Ray—Tuesday and Friday

Fourth Grade
Eastman—Wednesday only

Fifth Grade
Glenn—Tuesday and Friday
McMahon—Monday and Thursday

Middle School
Mrs. Chappelow will be aiding me and we will have half of the middle school for 20 minutes each day (Monday-Thursday).  The plan will be that a group of students will be with me doing one of the tests for President’s testing during the 20 minutes each of the four days we will have this schedule this week.  As a reminder, President’s testing is a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run, and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Students must show progress from their first quarter results and we will be tracking results in journals.

Grades 3 (including Mrs. Elliot’s class), 4, and 5
We will be continuing President’s testing—a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run, and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Students must show progress from their first quarter results.

Grade 2 (Mrs. Norman’s class)
We will continue a Wiffle Ball unit.  We have been working in stations on throwing and catching, swinging the bat level, and fielding.  We started talking about force outs vs. non-force outs last week and started to demonstrate what each looks like and we will continue to work on it this week.  We will also work on hitting the ball this week as well.

First Grade and Kindergarten
We will continue our soccer unit.  We started station work last week on kicking a short distance using the inside middle part of our foot and stopping the ball by putting our foot on top of it and working on goalie skills—catching and blocking the ball with our hands.  We will continue to work on these things along with kicking a longer distance—using our toe.

We will not meet this week due to the I-STEP schedule and we will not meet Friday May 11 (Noon dismissal due to the Annual Fund Dinner the night before).

 As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

This Week's Agenda

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, National Facial Protection Month, National Minority Health Month, National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, Occupational Therapy Month, Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month, Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, National Public Health Week (2-8), National Alcohol Screening Day (5), World Health Day (7), National Infant Immunization Week (21-28), Safe Kids Week (21-28), and World Meningitis Day (24).

Middle School
We will be continuing President’s testing this week—a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run, and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Students must show progress from their first quarter results and we will be tracking results in journals.

Grades 3 (including Mrs. Elliot’s class), 4, and 5
We will be starting President’s testing this week—a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run, and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Students must show progress from their first quarter results.

Grade 2 (Mrs. Norman’s class)
We will start a Wiffle Ball unit.  Over the course of the unit, students will use skills from throwing and catching along with learning how to hit a Wiffle Ball with a bat (hand-eye coordination), and learn the rules of the game.

First Grade and Kindergarten
We will start a soccer unit.  Our initial focus will be short and long distance kicking, stopping the ball, and dribbling a soccer ball.

We will work on our stretches, beanbag toss underhand with a partner, and we will leave some time to either go outside on the playground or have free time in the gym depending on the weather.

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.

Friday, April 13, 2012

This Week's Agenda

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, National Facial Protection Month, National Minority Health Month, National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, Occupational Therapy Month, Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month, Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, National Public Health Week (2-8), National Alcohol Screening Day (5), World Health Day (7), National Infant Immunization Week (21-28), Safe Kids Week (21-28), and World Meningitis Day (24).
A reminder that next week, the Book Fair will be in the gym all week, so we will either be outside if the weather cooperates or in classrooms.  Please check the weather each day.

Middle School
We will be continuing President’s testing this week—a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run, and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Students must show progress from their first quarter results and we will be tracking results in journals.  The 8th grade will be in Washington DC all week.  We will either do testing outside or in classrooms.

Grades 3 (including Mrs. Elliot’s class), 4, and 5
We will be continuing to prep for President’s testing by doing some different types of walking—working on arm swings and strides.  We will be starting our testing soon.  We will also have some time to play kickball if we are outside and we will talk about nutrition if we are in the classrooms.

Grade 2 (Mrs. Norman’s class)
If we are outside, we will do some walking for exercise, play kickball and play on the playground along with our normal daily stretches.  If we are inside, we will stretch, walk within the school building, play Simon Says, and talk about nutrition.

First Grade and Kindergarten
If we are outside, we will do some walking for exercise and play on the playground along with our normal daily stretches.  If we are inside, we will stretch, walk within the school building, play Simon Says, and talk about nutrition.

If we are outside, we will stretch, work on our beanbag tossing underhand with a partner, and playing on the playground.  If we are inside, we will stretch, play Simon Says, and do a few indoor physically active games.

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.

Monday, April 9, 2012

This Week's Agenda

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, National Facial Protection Month, National Minority Health Month, National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month, Occupational Therapy Month, Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month, Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month, National Public Health Week (2-8), National Alcohol Screening Day (5), World Health Day (7), National Infant Immunization Week (21-28), Safe Kids Week (21-28), and World Meningitis Day (24).
I hope everyone had a Great Easter!

A reminder that next week, the Book Fair will be in the gym (Tuesday April 17-Friday April 20), so we will either be outside if the weather cooperates or in classrooms.

Middle School
We will be starting President’s testing this week—a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run, and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Students must show progress from their first quarter results and we will be tracking results in journals.  The 8th grade will be in Washington DC next week (16-20), so we will spend some extra time in class getting some testing done with them this week, knowing they will not be here next week.

Grades 3 (including Mrs. Elliot’s class), 4, and 5
We will be starting to prep for President’s testing by doing some pushups in class along with some endurance walking.  We will be starting our testing in the near future.

Grade 2 (Mrs. Norman’s class)
We will be finishing up our basketball unit with passing this week that we did not get to complete the week before Spring Break due to the Awards Program.

First Grade and Kindergarten
We will be working on jump rope and a new movement game this week that incorporates strategy and vision.

We will be working on our stretches (and teaching them to a new student) along with tossing a beanbag underhand.  We will also leave some time at the end for free time activities.

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.