The seventh grade (7-Band/Choir and 6/7-General Music) will continue units on basketball and volleyball. We will work on how to shoot a basketball the proper way and how to serve the ball during volleyball and start to talk about spiking. We are opening up the gym between 7:00 and 7:30 on Tuesdays and offer different activities to the middle school kids (grades 6-8) with the help of Mr. Roseman and myself. The students will have some options on choices of activities. Mr. Roseman will also bring different guests in from time to time such as a rumba instructor. We will have our tenth session on Tuesday (January 11) from 7:00-7:30 am in the gym.
Grades 4 and 5 (Eastman, McMahon, Welty) will continue work on team building activities and exercises. The focus will be on cooperating with each other and building leadership skills in addition to follower skills.
Third grade (Norman ) will continue to work with the scooters focusing on full body exercising. We will also play a dancing game and some other movement games.
The following classes will continue basketball units, focusing on dribbling (hand-eye coordination) with both strong hand and weak hand:
2/3-Elliot—will learn how to play Dribble Tag and will also start to work on passing
2-O’Neal—will continue to work on dribbling and play a movement game
1-Ahonen—will continue to work on dribbling and play a movement game
K-Hill—will continue to work on dribbling and play a movement game
K-Catton—will continue to work on dribbling and play a movement game
Pre-school will continue to work on throwing and catching beanbags underhand and learning a new tag game.
Go Colts!
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