Middle School
We now have a new rotation for Unified Arts due to Annual Fund Dinner rehearsals (X and XX, Y and YY, and Z and ZZ classes). We will maintain these new rotations for the duration of the school year—not just until the A.F.D. If students are having trouble remembering which group they are in or which days they have PE, it would be a good idea to write down which days they have PE in student planners for the rest of the year to stay organized. We will do some movement activities this week.Grades 4/5
We will be spending some time outside this week with some movement activities.
Grades 2/3
We will continue to work on dribbling—knees bent, head up, using our fingertips, and dribbling the ball below our waist. We will continue to work on passing with a focus on proper hand placement on the ball prior to passing. We want our hand placement to be in shooting form on the ball, so we can maintain a triple threat of shooting, passing, or dribbling. We have been working on chest passing and bounce passing. We will work on over the head passing this week. We will also be spending some time outside.Kindergarten/Grade 1
We have been working on dribbling a basketball. The focus has been on knees bent, using fingertips, controlling the ball below our waist, and trying to keep our eyes up as much as possible. We have also started to work on different kinds of warm-up activities (lead ups) to dribbling and we will add a couple of them each class as we continue to focus on dribbling. Most of our dribbling so far has been in our squads to start working on eyes looking up and not looking at the basketball, but we have started to use the entire basketball court, which will promote eyes looking up so we can see where we are going and not running into other students.HAVE A GREAT AND SAFE SPRING BREAK!
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