Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grading For Grades 3-8


Below is how students in grades 3-8 are being graded this year in PE:

Physical Education Grading System (Grades 3-8)

*Daily class grade will be based on 15 points

*Final quarter grade will be based on the total number of points earned by the student compared to the overall total number of points possible for the quarter

Daily Class Grade Point Breakdown of 15 Points

1.  Gym Uniform (5 Points)

The Gym Uniform consists of a Holy Spirit P.E. shirt, Holy Spirit P.E. shorts, socks, tennis shoes, solid dark colored sweatpants and Holy Spirit sweatshirts may be worn over the top of the normal P.E. uniform in the cold months.  The gym uniform is worth 5 points.  The 5 points will be earned by the student wearing the entire gym uniform (H.S. shirt, H.S. shorts, socks, and tennis shoes).  A student will earn zero (0) points if the entire gym uniform is not worn and the student will receive a P.E. uniform notice that will need to be taken home and signed by the student and a parent and brought back the next day of school (the next day of school may not necessarily be a P.E. day).  The sweatpants and sweatshirts are considered optional in the cold months, but the entire gym uniform must be worn underneath for a student to earn the entire 5 points.

2.  Physical (5 Points)

The Physical aspect combines several different pieces, mainly the “doing” during class.  The “doing” consists of effort during stretches, effort during skill work (skill work includes learned instruction time, practicing the learned skill, playing a game that involves the learned skill, etc.).  The expectation of each student giving their Personal Best speaks directly to the 5 points of the daily 15 within the Physical.  Students, regardless of age, gender, or experience within a sport or activity have the ability to choose how much effort they are putting towards an activity.  Due to this student choice, the 5 points in this section can vary from a student earning all 5 points for putting forth their Personal Best, earning 0 points for putting forth no effort, or a reduction of points depending on the effort the student chooses to put forth for part or all of a given class.

3.  Emotional/Social (5 Points)

The Emotional and Social includes interaction with classmates, having a positive attitude toward one’s self and peers, exhibiting proper sportsmanship, having a proper attitude, and behavior.  The emotional and social is about student attitude.  The attitude a student has is directly tied to the Physical because the attitude allows a student to give their Personal Best in anything that we do during class.  The positive attitude of one’s self and others allows for a safe environment for all students.  The 5 points within this section will be earned in a similar way to the 5 points from the Physical.  Students can earn all 5 points, earn 0 points or earn points in between depending on the attitude and behavior that is exhibited during class.
*****NOTE*****Homework may be given based on the unit of study and upon teacher discretion.  Total point value may vary based on unit of study.*****

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