Friday, November 30, 2012

PE Agenda for December 3-7


Please check your child's PE grade on My Student Progress.  I update grades within 48 hours of class and I do write comments periodically on specific situations that occur during class.

We are working on fitness circuit stations with middle school to build on our principles from President's Testing and adding a bit of competitiveness to class with it as well. 

Third, fourth, and fifth grades will start their Christmas Program practices this week during Unified Arts (10:00-11:20).  The practices will be Wednesday-Friday (December 5-7).  Due to this, I will only see each of these grade levels once this week.  We will work on a fitness circuit in grades 4-5.  Third grade will work with jump ropes along with a movement game that involves strategy.

Kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade will all continue to work on jumping rope. All are at various stages--some initial stages, some are able to go forward and backward. This will be our main focus from here until the end of the quarter. We will also play a variety of tag games upon completion of jump rope on each respective day.  Kindergarten will be on a field trip on Monday, so I will only see them on Wednesday this week.

If a student is injured or is sick, please provide a doctor note, so I have documentation of what a student can or can't do during class.
We will be incorporating various Math terminology into classes to assist in the process of helping our entire school pull up our Math scores on state testing (I-STEP).

Have a Great Week and Good Luck Sports Teams!

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