October is Eye Injury Prevention Month, National Bullying Prevention Month, National Health Education Week (14-18), World Food Day (16), Respiratory Care Week (20-26), and Red Ribbon Week (23-31).
We are nearly done with President's testing in grades 3-8 for the first quarter. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. Returning students will be told their results of last year and the idea is they show improvement from their fourth quarter results as they perform the tests in the first quarter this year (middle school has a journal that previous year's results are a part of, so they can physically see their results before testing). We will test again in the fourth quarter to gauge improvement over the course of the year. Students that are new in grades 4-7 plus our 3rd grade students will be creating a baseline result with their first quarter testing. They will need to improve on that result in quarter 4 when we test again. President's testing satisfies our Indiana State Standards in Physical Education for self assessment and formal fitness assessments. We will be doing the mile in the near future. I have been talking to the students about planning for it. Third grade will do a half mile, while students in grades 4-8 will do a full mile.
Students in kindergarten and first grade will continue to work on the balance beam--going backwards. Second grade has completed their work on the balance beam. We will begin to work on movement games that involve balance.
Good Luck Ram Sports Teams!
Have a great week!
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