Friday, February 21, 2014

PE Agenda for the Week of February 24-28


Here is the Middle School Schedule for the Week:

Monday February 24 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Tuesday February 25 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Thursday February 27 "C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Friday February 28 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)

Middle school should continue to work on their Olympic Project. Once students are finished, they will be turning their typed papers in to me (and they may do that any time between now and Monday March 3).  Once I have finished grading the papers, I will be giving the papers to Mrs. Amy Moran and Miss Richardson to grade based on proper grammar, spelling, and puncuation.

Grades 4-5 should continue working on their Olympic Project. Students in Grades 4-5 have a half sheet of paper that they are using for their research (5 Facts, 5 Main Rules, Equipment used, and summary of watching the sport--what happened).  Students may turn their half sheet of paper in any time between now and the first week of March.  We will continue to work on our basketball unit.  We will start to work on proper shooting form--essentially shooting the ball with one hand and using our other hand as simply a guide on the side of the ball.

Kindergarten-third grade will continue their basketball unit. Our focus has been dribbling with our eyes up, knees bent, fingertips on the dribble, and ball below waist. We have started partner passing with one another (bounce and chest passing, and now over the head passing).

We have been working in Grades 3-8 with Math facts and key words for Language Arts that will be beneficial to the students for I-STEP preparation in PE (during stretches, dribbling basketballs, etc.).

Good Luck Rams Sports Teams this Weekend!

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