Friday, May 16, 2014

PE Agenda May 19-23

We will be finishing President's Testing with Grades 3-8. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing. We have started or will be starting the mile for many of our classes. Students that have an inhaler, please make sure it is with them.

Middle School Schedule
Monday May 19--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Tuesday May 20--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Thursday May 22--"B" Day (8th Grade will be in Washington DC)
Friday May 23--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)

Second grade will continue a Kickball Unit. We will continue to work on terminology. We will continue playing kickball games and stopping when we need to explain certain situations that we have been working on within class. We will also start a Whiffle Ball Unit that coincides with the Kickball Unit.

Kindergarten and first grade will work with movement games--this will be the last week for both grade levels.

Good luck to the 8th grade in DC!

Have a great week!

Friday, May 9, 2014

PE Agenda May 12-16

We will be finishing President's Testing with Grades 3-8. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing. We have started or will be starting the mile for many of our classes.  Students that have an inhaler, please make sure it is with them.

Middle School Schedule
Monday May 12--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)--class for 20 minutes (Field Trip)
Tuesday May 13--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Thursday May 15--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Friday May 16--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)

Second grade will continue a Kickball Unit. We will continue to work on terminology. We will continue playing kickball games and stopping when we need to explain certain situations that we have been working on within class. 

First grade will continue to work with the parachute this week. We will play "Popcorn" among other things with the parachute.

Kindergarten will work on jumping rope along with playing some movement games.

Have a great week!

Friday, May 2, 2014

PE Agenda May 5-9


Some groups have not finished I-STEP yet and will continue this week.  We will continue President's Testing with Grades 3-8.  The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.  We will be starting the mile this week or next week for many of our classes (dependent upon the completion of I-STEP, Annual Fund Dinner set-up, and of course the weather).  Students that have an inhaler, please make sure it is with them this week and plan on having them dress accordingly--we will be out of the gym Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday because of the Annual Fund Dinner (Thursday night).

Middle School Schedule
Monday May 5--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Tuesday May 6--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Thursday May 8--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Friday May 9--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)--Also 7-Gold Friday Mass Day
Second grade will continue a Kickball Unit. We will continue to work on terminology.  We will be playing kickball games and stopping when we need to explain certain situations that we have been working on within class.

Kindergarten and first grade will continue to work with the parachute this week.  We will play "Popcorn" among other things with the parachute.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 25, 2014

PE Agenda April 28-May 2


As a reminder, we will have our second round of I-STEP this week for Grades 3-8 and Friday is May Day (Mass will be on Friday this week instead of Wednesday).  We will continue President's Testing with Grades 3-8 (no mile this week due to I-STEP). The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.

Middle School Schedule
Monday April 28--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Tuesday April 29--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Wednesday April 30--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Thursday May 1--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)

Second grade will continue a Kickball Unit. We will continue to work on terminology. In addition, we have been working on different scenarios and situations, and will continue to do so.  If we are at a point to start playing games, we will start playing kickball games.

Kindergarten and first grade will start to work with the parachute this week.  We will talk about safety and work on some different movements with the parachute.

Have a great week!

Friday, April 18, 2014

PE Agenda April 22-25


*****We will be out of the gym all week due to the Spring Book Fair in the gym.  Please have your son or daughter watch the weather.  Even though it is getting warmer, it is still chilly in the mornings.  Please have your children dressed accordingly.  We will be outside as much as possible.

We will continue President's Testing with Grades 3-5. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.

Middle School Schedule
Tuesday April 22--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Thursday April 24--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Friday April 25--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)

Second grade has started a Kickball Unit.  We will continue to work on terminology.  In addition, we will learn through the use of different scenarios and situations.  We will also talk about nutrition and moderation this week as well.

Kindergarten and first grade will learn about nutrition and moderation in the classroom this week along with movement games (hopefully outside).


Friday, April 11, 2014

PE Agenda April 14-18


We will continue President's Testing with the Middle School and have started it with Grades 3-5. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.

Middle School Schedule
Monday April 14--"B" Days (8th Grade has PE)
Tuesday April 15--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Thursday April 17--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Friday April 18--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)--8th grade will practice their Living Stations after class is over on Friday

We will have a couple of interuptions in the schedule this week.  On Monday (April 14--we will have Puppet Shows in the gym in the morning, and a Wheelchair Basketball Game in the afternoon in the gym as part of Disabilities Week), so students will be outside (weather permitting or in the classrooms for class on Monday.  Tuesday (April 15)--the middle school will have a retreat in the gym in the afternoon, so the 2nd grade will have class outside (Kickball Unit) or in the classroom.  Finally, Good Friday (April 18) is a noon dismissal.

Second grade has started a Kickball Unit. We will focus on the positions (names/responsibilities), how to pitch, and how to kick this week.

Kindergarten and first grade have started a Freeze Dance Unit--dancing while the music is playing, freezing while the music stops. We will also play a couple of movement games as well and hopefully get a chance to play outside.

Good Luck Ram Sports Teams!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

PE Agenda for April 7-11


We will continue President's Testing with the Middle School. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.

Middle School Schedule
Monday April 7 --"A" Days (7th Grade has PE)
Tuesday April 8--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Thursday April 10--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Friday April 11--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)

Grades 3-5 will be starting President's Testing this week (week get back from Spring Break).

Second grade will be starting a Kickball Unit.  We will focus on the positions (names/responsibilities), how to pitch, and how to kick this week. 

Kindergarten and first grade will start a Freeze Dance Unit--dancing while the music is playing, freezing while the music stops.  We will also play a couple of movement games as well.

Good Luck Ram Sports Teams!

Have a Great and Safe Spring Break!

Friday, March 21, 2014

PE Agenda March 24-28


A reminder that we are out of school Friday (March 28).

We will continue President's Testing with the Middle School. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.

Middle School Schedule
Monday March 24 --"A" Days (7th Grade has PE)
Tuesday March 25--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Thursday March 27--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)

Kindergarten-5th Grades will finish basketball units. We have been working on shooting form--starting without a ball first, then adding a ball in our squads as we stand up, and lay down. We want to focus on using proper form and technique when we shoot. Grades 3-5 will shoot on the basketball goals using the form and technique we work on, shooting both lay-ups and jump shots.

Grades 3-5 will start President's Testing upon return from Spring Break.

Good Luck Ram Sports Teams!

Have a Great Spring Break!

Be Safe!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

PE Agenda March 17-21


The fourth quarter begins Monday March 17.

We will start Fourth Quarter President's Testing with the Middle School.  The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  The idea is all students will show improvement from their first quarter testing.

Middle School Schedule
Monday March 17 and Friday March 21--"C" Days (6th Grade has PE)
Tuesday March 18--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Thursday March 20--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)

Kindergarten-5th Grades will continue on basketball units.  We are working on shooting form--starting without a ball first, then adding a ball in our squads as we stand up, and lay down.  We want to focus on using proper form and technique when we shoot.  Grades 3-5 will shoot on the basketball goals using the form and technique we work on, shooting both lay-ups and jump shots.

Good Luck Ram Sports Teams!

Have a Great Week!

Friday, March 7, 2014

PE Agenda March 10-14


This will be our last week of the third quarter.

The middle school schedule:
Monday March 10 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Tuesdsay March 11 "C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Wednesday March 12--No Middle School U.A. (Mass Day)
Thursday March 13 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Friday March 14 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
We will do some movement activities in middle school and talk about our Olympic Projects.  President's Testing will start the first week of the fourth quarter (March 17-21).

We will also talk about our Olympic Projects in grades 4 and 5.  In addition, we will continue our basketball unit--learning how to shoot the proper way (proper hand placement on ball, shooting with 1 true hand and guide hand on side, proper follow through).

Kindergarten-third grade will continue their basketball unit. We will also start the process of learning how to shoot.  We have been working on dribbling and passing up to this point.

Have a Great Week!

Friday, February 28, 2014

PE Agenda March 3-7


We will have a different schedule this week, as we will be on an I-STEP schedule.  Middle school will NOT meet for class, but Mrs. Chappelow and myself will take the General Music students in grades 6-8 for roughly 30 minutes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday before I-STEP begins.  We will be doing movement activities.  Mrs. Simms and Mr. Glowinski will be doing the same thing with the Band/Choir/Annual Fund Dinner kids.

All Winter Olympic Projects for Middle School will be due Monday morning at 7:40 AM (weather permitting).  There will be a penalty for late assignments turned in (I have already covered this withe the students).  If students are having issues printing, assignments can be emailed to me at:  prior to 7:40 AM on Monday.

Grades 4 and 5 Winter Olympic Projects will also be due on Monday (weather permitting). 

I will be giving a small group of students the I-STEP this week, so my schedule will be:

Monday March 3
Grade 5 (both homerooms together)
Grade 1 (both homerooms separately)

Tuesday March 4
Grade 4 (Eastman Homeroom)
Kindergarten (Catton Homeroom)
Grade 2 (Porter Homeroom)

Wednesday March 5
This will be a normal school day without I-STEP due to it being Ash Wednesday (Mass in the AM)

Thursday March 6
Grade 5 (McMahon Homeroom)
Grade 1 (Ahonen Homeroom)
Grade 3 (DiSalvo Homeroom)

Friday March 7
Grade 4 (both homerooms together)
Grade 3 (DiSalvo Homeroom)
Grade 2 (both homerooms separately)

Have a great week!

Friday, February 21, 2014

PE Agenda for the Week of February 24-28


Here is the Middle School Schedule for the Week:

Monday February 24 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Tuesday February 25 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Thursday February 27 "C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Friday February 28 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)

Middle school should continue to work on their Olympic Project. Once students are finished, they will be turning their typed papers in to me (and they may do that any time between now and Monday March 3).  Once I have finished grading the papers, I will be giving the papers to Mrs. Amy Moran and Miss Richardson to grade based on proper grammar, spelling, and puncuation.

Grades 4-5 should continue working on their Olympic Project. Students in Grades 4-5 have a half sheet of paper that they are using for their research (5 Facts, 5 Main Rules, Equipment used, and summary of watching the sport--what happened).  Students may turn their half sheet of paper in any time between now and the first week of March.  We will continue to work on our basketball unit.  We will start to work on proper shooting form--essentially shooting the ball with one hand and using our other hand as simply a guide on the side of the ball.

Kindergarten-third grade will continue their basketball unit. Our focus has been dribbling with our eyes up, knees bent, fingertips on the dribble, and ball below waist. We have started partner passing with one another (bounce and chest passing, and now over the head passing).

We have been working in Grades 3-8 with Math facts and key words for Language Arts that will be beneficial to the students for I-STEP preparation in PE (during stretches, dribbling basketballs, etc.).

Good Luck Rams Sports Teams this Weekend!

Friday, February 14, 2014

PE Agenda February 17-21


A reminder that we are IN SCHOOL on Monday February 17 (President's Day).

We are going to keep the same Middle School Unified Arts schedule on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday that we had previously scheduled.  We based Monday on which group that we've seen the most infrequent based on snow days and 2-hour delay days.

Here is the Middle School Schedule for the Week:

Monday February 17 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Tuesday February 18 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Thursday February 20 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Friday February 21"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)

On Monday, the 8th grade will have a work day in the Library for their Olympic Project.  We will use desktop computers and I-Pads to continue to research respective sports.  Flash drives would be beneficial if the students are to the typing portion of their project.

Middle school should continue to work on their Olympic Project.  Once students are finished, they will be turning their typed papers in to me.  Once I have finished grading the papers, I will be giving the papers to Mrs. Amy Moran and Miss Richardson to grade based on proper grammar, spelling, and puncuation.

Grades 4-5 should continue working on their Olympic Project. Students in Grades 4-5 have a half sheet of paper that they are using for their research (5 Facts, 5 Main Rules, Equipment used, and summary of watching the sport--what happened).  We will also continue our basketball unit.

Kindergarten-third grade will continue their basketball unit. Our focus has been dribbling with our eyes up, knees bent, fingertips on the dribble, and ball below waist. We have started partner passing with one another (bounce passing and now chest passing).

We have been working in Grades 3-8 with Math facts and key words for Language Arts that will be beneficial to the students for I-STEP preparation in PE (during stretches, dribbling basketballs, etc.).

Happy Valentine's Day!

Good Luck Rams Sports Teams this Weekend!

Friday, February 7, 2014

PE Agenda February 10-14


Here is the Middle School Schedule for the Week:

Monday February 10"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Tuesday February 11"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Thursday February 13"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Friday February 14"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)

Grades 4-8 should be working on their Olympic Project with the Olympics beginning this weekend.  Students in Grades 4-5 have a half sheet of paper that they are using for their research.  Middle school is typing a paper.  All students should have already started on this project.

Grades 4 and 5 will continue with their basketball unit.

Kindergarten-third grade will continue their basketball unit. Our focus has been dribbling with our eyes up, knees bent, fingertips on the dribble, and ball below waist.  We have started partner passing with one another.

Good Luck Rams Sports Teams this Weekend!

Friday, January 31, 2014

PE Newsletter February 3-7


Here is the Middle School Schedule for the Week:

Monday February 3 "B" Day  (8th Grade has PE)
Tuesday February 4 "C" Day (6th Grade has PE)
Thursday February 6 "A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Friday February 7 "B" Day (8th Grade has PE)

The 6th and 7th grade students have been given an Olympic Project--researching different Winter Olympic Sports.  They should be working on it at home.  There will be a typed paper that will need to be turned in after the Olympics are over.  The 8th grade will receive their sport on Monday.

Fourth and fifth grade are working on a variation of the Olympic Project.  Each student has a sport and should be working on them at home.  We will also continue our basketball unit as well.

Kindergarten-third grade will continue their basketball unit.  Our focus has been dribbling with our eyes up, knees bent, fingertips on the dribble, and ball below waist.

Congratulations to the 8th Grade!  Even though the teachers still won, the 8th grade gave us their best shot.

Good Luck Rams Sports Teams this Weekend!

Good Luck to the Broncos in the Super Bowl.

The Opening Cermonies for the Olympics start Thursday night.

Friday, January 17, 2014

PE Agenda January 21-24


We are starting a Winter Olympics Project with Grades 4-8.  Students will have to research facts about the sport they select--where and when the sport was created/invented, main rules, equipment used, and finally watch the sport during the Olympics and write a summary of what was viewed.  We will hold a draft for the students to select their sport.

In addition to this, Middle School will do play movement games.

Tuesday January 21--"A" Day (7th Grade has PE)
Thursday January 23--"B" Day (8th Grade has PE)
Friday January 24--"C" Day (6th Grade has PE)

We are working on a basketball unit with Grades K-5.  Our focus is dribbling with knees bent, ball  below waist, using fingertips, and eyes up (a challenge for the younger grades).  Grades 4 and 5 will continue their unit as we progress through the Olympic project.

Have a great week!