Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Week's Agenda

October is Eye Injury Prevention Month, Home Eye Safety Month, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today Month, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, Mental Illness Awareness Week (2-8), Drive Safely to Work Week (3-7), Child Health Day (3), Walk to School Day (5), World Mental Health Day (10), World Food Day (16), Red Ribbon Week (23-31), and National Drug Facts Week (October 31-November 6).

8th Grade—We will be updating our activity sheets, continuing to work on President’s testing goals, working on jump rope, and playing some movement games.  The eighth grade will be going on a field trip on Friday and will miss PE class.  However, there are four seventh graders in the 8/7-General Music class that will meet at normal class time on Friday
7th Grade—We will be updating our activity sheets, continuing to work on President’s testing goals, working on jump rope, and playing some movement games
6th Grade—We will be updating our activity sheets and continuing to work on President’s testing (we are almost finished)
4th and 5th Grade—We will be updating our activity sheets, working on jump rope, and working on movement games
3rd Grade (including Elliot)—We will work on jump rope and a movement game
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade (Norman)—We are transitioning from the balance beam to jump rope.  We will go over step by step how to do it and play a tag game that involves balance
Preschool—We will work on basic stretches, races, and Red Light/Green Light

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.


Friday, October 21, 2011

This Week's Agenda

October is Eye Injury Prevention Month, Home Eye Safety Month, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today Month, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, Mental Illness Awareness Week (2-8), Drive Safely to Work Week (3-7), Child Health Day (3), Walk to School Day (5), World Mental Health Day (10), World Food Day (16), Red Ribbon Week (23-31), and National Drug Facts Week (October 31-November 6).
We will have an abbreviated schedule this week.  Monday will be a full day of school, with Tuesday and Wednesday as noon dismissals.

Monday October 24th
6th Grade—Sit and reach, pushups, and other make-ups for President’s testing
2nd Grade (Norman)—Finish backwards down and back on balance beam
5th Grade (McMahon)—Turn in activity sheets, talk about President’s testing, freeze tag
1st Grade (O’Neal)—Finish forward down and backwards back on balance beam
Kindergarten (Hill)—Finish forward down and backwards back on balance beam

Tuesday October 25th
7th Grade—Finish pushups and other make-ups for President’s testing
4th Grade (Eastman)—Work on jump rope and play a Halloween game

Wednesday October 26th
2nd Grade (Norman)—Work on jump rope and play PacMan Tag (focus is on balance)
5th Grade (McMahon)—Work on jump rope and play a Halloween game

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

This Week's Agenda

October is Eye Injury Prevention Month, Home Eye Safety Month, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today Month, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, Mental Illness Awareness Week (2-8), Drive Safely to Work Week (3-7), Child Health Day (3), Walk to School Day (5), World Mental Health Day (10), World Food Day (16), Red Ribbon Week (23-31), and National Drug Facts Week (October 31-November 6).

We are wrapping up with President’s testing with middle school this week (third, fourth, and fifth grades have completed the testing).  We will be talking about goals for the fourth quarter testing—realistic goals, but also how do we get to where we are now to where we want to go in the fourth quarter.

The Fall Program (20th), put on by Mrs. Simms, will have rehearsal practices on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week (17th, 18th, and 19th).  The practices will take place between 10:00 and 11:20 and because of this, it will affect PE class time for grades 4 and 5.  I will see Mrs. Eastman’s classes on Thursday and Mrs. Glenn’s class on Thursday and Friday, at normal times.  I will not see Mrs. McMahon’s class this week.

We are also participating in a program called Get Active Get Fit in kindergarten-eighth grade.  Students will fill out an activity sheet that lists what activities and the length of the activities.  The program will run through November 26.  The goal is to have each student active for a minimum of 20 minutes daily.

Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade will finish their work with the balance beam.  We will continue to incorporate balance into jump rope work in class along with tag games that involve balance and coordination.

Preschool will continue to work on being active during class.

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

This Week's Agenda

October is Eye Injury Prevention Month, Home Eye Safety Month, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Stop America’s Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today Month, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month, Mental Illness Awareness Week (2-8), Drive Safely to Work Week (3-7), Child Health Day (3), Walk to School Day (5), World Mental Health Day (10), World Food Day (16), Red Ribbon Week (23-31), and National Drug Facts Week (October 31-November 6).

We are nearly finished with President’s testing (third grade through eighth grade)—a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, and flexibility among others.  The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (half mile for third grade including Mrs. Elliot’s class), and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground.  Returning students will be told their results of last year and the idea is they show improvement from their fourth quarter results as they perform the tests in the first quarter this year. 

The Fall Program, put on by Mrs. Simms, will have rehearsal practices starting on Wednesday October 12.  The practices will take place between 10:00 and 11:20 and because of this, it will affect PE class time for grades 4 and 5.  I will see Mrs. McMahon and Mrs. Eastman’s classes on Monday and Tuesday respectively and those are the only two classes I will see this week for grades 4 and 5.

We will be participating in this on Wednesday: "Let's Jump" is the motto behind National Geographic Kids' Guinness World Record attempt for the most people doing jumping jacks during a 24-hour period, and staff are asked to spread the word. NGK and first lady Michelle Obama will lead the event with hundreds of Washington-area children on the White House lawn at 3 p.m. Oct. 11, but anyone, anywhere can participate in breaking the current record of 20,000 people by completing one minute of jumping jacks between 3 p.m. EST Oct. 11 and 3 p.m. Oct. 12.

We are also participating in a program called Get Active Get Fit in kindergarten-eighth grade.  Students will be receiving a pedometer, courtesy of a grant through the Anthem Foundation.  Parents may need to help the students set up information on the pedometer (instructions are in each box).  Students will fill out an activity sheet that lists what activities and the length of the activities.  The program will run through November 26.  The goal is to have each student active for a minimum of 20 minutes daily.

Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade will continue working with the balance beam.  We have started going backwards over the balance beam with our eyes looking forward (our most challenging feat yet).

Preschool has started working on daily procedures in the gym.  We have also been working on simple games such as Simon Says.

As always, it is expected that each student is to come to class each day with their gym uniform, have a good attitude, ready to learn, and ready to work.