Friday, January 14, 2011

This Week's PE Agenda

The seventh grade (7-Band/Choir and 6/7-General Music) will continue units on basketball and volleyball.  We will spend time this week on free throws and information on fouls during the basketball portion.  During the volleyball portion of class, we will work on bumping the ball to the setter and the setter making a good set to the hitters (middle front and left front players).  The Band/Choir students will also start to play volleyball and basketball games—we will hold off on General Music until next week with us missing class on Monday for Martin Luther King Day.  We are opening up the gym between 7:00 and 7:30 on Tuesdays and offer different activities to the middle school kids (grades 6-8).  We will have our tenth session on Tuesday (January 18) from 7:00-7:30 am in the gym (we cancelled this past Tuesday due to the snow).

Grades 4 and 5 (Eastman, McMahon, Welty) will continue work on team building activities and exercises.  The focus will be on cooperating with each other and building leadership skills in addition to follower skills.

Third grade (Norman) will play a dancing game and some other movement games that involve teamwork.

The following classes will continue basketball units, focusing on dribbling (hand-eye coordination) with both strong hand and weak hand along with passing (bounce passing):

Pre-school will continue to work on throwing and catching beanbags underhand and playing a new tag game.

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