Wednesday, March 13, 2013

P.E. Agenda for March 25-29


The middle school schedule:

Monday and Friday (March 25 and 29 are both "C" days)--8th grade has PE
Tuesday (March 26 is an "A" Day)--7th Grade has PE
Thursday (March 27 is a "B" Day)--6th Grade has PE

We will be starting President's Testing in middle school.  Students have been reminded several times over the course of quarters 2 and 3 to be doing things on their own to get ready for testing.  Students will have to improve on their quarter 1 results.

On Tuesday March 26, I will see just the 7-General Music Group for Middle School due to a Disability Presentation that will be taking place at 8:30 in the gym for seventh grade.  This will be part of an entire week-long Disability Awareness Week put on by Mrs. Amy Moran.  The 7th Grade Band/Choir/Annual Fund Dinner Group will have 1 less class than the 7-General Music group because of this.

We will also have some other interuptions in our schedule due to Disabilities Awareness Week.  Afternoon classes on both Wednesday March 27 (Kindergarten) and Thursday March 28 (First and Third Grades) will be out of the gym.  We will either be outside if the weather cooperates or in classrooms for PE.  Also, Friday March 29 is a noon dismissal for Good Friday.

Grades 3-5 will work on movement games to get back into the swing of things and we will start President's Testing next week (April 2-5) in many of the homerooms.

Kindergarten-second grade will finish up their basketball unit.  Our main focus has been dribbling and passing.  We will talk about and work on proper shooting form without shooting an actual basket.  It is important to do things the right way and I do not want to sacrifice proper form to make a shot in a 10-foot goal as the students learn the proper technique of shooting.

If you are staying in town for Spring Break, here are some helpful websites with things to do around Indy:

Have a Safe and Wonderful Spring Break!

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