Friday, October 5, 2012

This Week's Agenda


We are working on President's testing in grades 3-8 and some groups are close to finishing up. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. Returning students will be told their results of last year and the idea is they show improvement from their fourth quarter results as they perform the tests in the first quarter this year (middle school has a journal that previous year's results are a part of, so they can physically see their results before testing with me). We will be testing the next few weeks (usually one test a class period depending on class size). We will test again in the fourth quarter to gauge improvement over the course of the year.  We will be jogging the mile in several classes over the next week or so.  If your child has asthma and they use an inhaler on a daily basis, please have them bring the inhaler to class next week (grades 3-8).  We are working on responsibility with the inhalers.  We have been practicing jogging at a pace for a period of 1, 2, 3, and 4 minutes at a time in grades 3 and 4.

Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade have either completed the balance beam work or will be finishing soon.  We are starting Fall Program (Kindergarten-Grade 2) practices Tuesday-Friday this week, so between 12:10-1:35, I will not have these particular grade levels for class if they normally see me during that time.

If a student is injured or is sick, please provide a doctor note, so I have documentation of what a student can or can't do during class.

Have a great week and Good Luck Sports Teams!

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