Friday, September 28, 2012

This Week's Agenda


Our focus, in many of our classes recently, has been what our Personal Best looks like and the expectation that we should see it in PE every day. The end result of doing a task might look very different from one student to another student, but each one of us is capable of our Personal Best each and every class that we have PE, regardless of our athletic ability.  The eighth grade really rose the occasion on Thursday and worked as hard collectively as I've ever seen from this particular group.

We are working on President's testing in grades 3-8. The testing consists of a series of Physical Education tests that gauge muscular strength, muscular endurance, speed and quickness, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. The tests include pull-ups, curl-ups, flex arm hang, shuttle run, pushups, sit and reach, mile run (jog) and I have added an additional test and that is the pole climb on the playground. Returning students will be told their results of last year and the idea is they show improvement from their fourth quarter results as they perform the tests in the first quarter this year (middle school has a journal that previous year's results are a part of, so they can physically see their results before testing with me). We will be testing the next few weeks (usually one test a class period depending on class size). We will test again in the fourth quarter to gauge improvement over the course of the year.  We have been in school for seven weeks now and students should be prepping for the mile on their own--walking, jogging, running to get ready.  We will spend some in class time  prepping, but students should have already started working in this area.

Kindergarten, first grade, and second grade have started working on the balance beam. We have a beam on the playground that will be used when the weather is appropriate to go outside and we use a portable one in the gym when we cannot go outside. The students came up with great answers how we can stay balanced and we are putting those answers into action as we work on the balance beam. We have completed going forward over the beam. We are currently working on going backward on the beam.  We are going to be finishing this up soon and moving on to other things.

If a student is injured or is sick, please provide a doctor note, so I have documentation of what a student can or can't do during class.

Have a great week and Good Luck Sports Teams!

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